” This volunteering brings me a lot of pleasure, letting go, achievements, and even fulfillment. I continually enjoy the conversations my little sister and I have about many aspects of life. I find it so fascinating when I realize the intelligence and imagination of young children. It often leads me to do activities that, strangely, I always wanted to realize, but that, out of concern for not taking the time, I left aside. So it’s really give and take. When I applied for this volunteer program, my primary goal was for my Little Sister to have a special moment that would meet her exchange needs. Quickly, I became aware of how much each person brings to life.
Volunteering is taking the time to enjoy a special moment while being in the environment of this child, but also, through confidences where you can literally pronounce «Big Brothers Big Sisters». In order to remember these moments together, my little sister and I chose to make a photo album through which there is a photo per meeting where our achievements will be imaged.
Thank you for this very rewarding project through which we discover ourselves and where we have the chance to discover another beautiful person in our society! ”
– Karina, Big Sister