Bingo Night

Next August, come and win a multitude of prizes with us! Guests can participate in a lively evening with several activities available. The majority of the evening will be dedicated to Bingo, but board games, draws and other activities will also be present.

To participate in Bingo, it’s very simple, you just have to buy a card and play with us. You can buy as many cards as you want to increase your chances of winning or settle for just one card and wish luck is on your side. Free cards will also be available for those who simply wish to accompany us in the evening. However, free cards will not win prizes.

The evening is open to all and we encourage you to invite all your entourage. We will let you see some of our prizes on our social networks in the days leading up to the event.


No registration is required to participate in the activity. All those who wish to come can do so without problem. However, if you want to reserve your seats, book a table or just mention your presence, you can do so in the following form.

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