Bingo Night
On August 17, come and win a multitude of prizes with us! You can participate in a lively evening that will please everyone.
To participate in Bingo, it’s very simple, you just have to buy a card and play with us. You can buy as many cards as you want to increase your chances of winning or settle for just one card and wish luck was on your side.
The cards will be sold for $4 for 1 card, $7 for 2 cards and $10 for 3 cards. We are waiting for you in large numbers at the Armand-Nadeau Pavilion at the park Jacques-Cartier in Sherbrooke. We will start the evening at 19:00 after some explanations on how the draws work. The evening is open to all and we encourage you to invite all your entourage.
For those who want to take your children, we will also provide free cards for those who wish. However, these cards will not win prizes.

Thanks to our partners, we have a multitude of prizes to win. Here are some of them:
- Platinum subscription at Éconofitness
- Cruise for 2 on Lake Memphremagog
- Many gift cards
- And even more!
We will announce more prizes on our page shortly before the event. To make sure you don’t miss any of the announcements or just to let us know you’re here, we invite you to join our Facebook event: Bingo night.